Broly – Clean Color

Hey guys! This is my first mod for Dragon Ball FighterZ and well, second time modding in a lifetime. Anyway, I didn't really like how bleak the colors for Broly looked. I get that the initial color was meant to look back at the original film "The Legendary Super Saiyan" but still, one could use a touch up! So I decided to add more saturated colors for the hair, skin, robe and gauntlets. I personally like the results! Let me know what you all think!
Note: A user by the name of REAVER63 did make another version like this a few months back. I loved what he did when he made the recolor for Broly but at the same, I felt that his colors were too saturated for Color01 so he was what inspired me to make this mod so if you're reading this man, thank you so much! If you don't like my version, check his out!
Reaver's Broly Mod:
Take the contents in the ZIP and paste it in RED/Content/Paks/~mods via the game directory.