DBFZ | E3 Demo/Closed Beta Vegeta Recolors | OniFox

Sometimes Beta Content looks better than the final product. Here's an example of that.
Just a very simple mod, but decided to make it anyway, since no one else has.
In the E3 Build/Closed Beta of FighterZ, Vegeta's Red, Green, and Blue Recolors were very different from what he has in the final game, and in my opinion, the final game completely ruined these outfits. So I decided to remake the textures using gameplay footage from the old builds, and this is the result!
Again, just a very simple mod, but felt like sharing it for those who also preferred the old textures to the new ones.
Enjoy the Mod!
NOTE: The Comparison screenshots were taken from several sources, resulting in the colors looking odd. This mod is as accurate as I could possibly recreate the Beta Colors, with the skills I have.
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Extract the .rar file in your DRAGON BALL FighterZ/RED/Content/Paks/~mods directory.
1.0 - Initial Release