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Gogeta Recolor by BenichonSan (me)

Gogeta recolor pak 1.4

Choose one of the packages.

Normal pak : - Color 2 : Gogeta DBS - SSJ God - Color 3 : Gogeta DBS - Super Sayajin - Color 4 : Gogeta DBS - Normal - Color 5 : Gogeta DBZ - Super Sayajin - Color 6 : Gogeta DBS - Normal - Color 7 : Gogeta DBGT - SSJ 4 - Color 8 : Xeno Gotenks - Normal - Color 9 : Xeno Gotenks - Super Sayajin - Color 10 : Xeno Vegito - Color 11 : Gogeta Black Rose - Color 12 : Gogeta Broly

Alternative pak :

- Color 04 : Xeno Gogeta - Color 08 : Gogeta SSJ4 Alternate color from Budokai - Color 10 : Broly DBS - Color 12 : Baby Gogeta

vCopy the 2 files in the zip in SteamsteamappscommonDRAGON BALL FighterZREDContentPaks~mods

You need the exe generated by DBFZ-mod-manager.exe


1.4 07/02/2020 - Fixed too dark colors for Color05 / 06 / 08 / 09 from Normal Pak. - Redone colors for Gogeta as SSJ4 and Baby Gogeta. - Add Gogeta SSJ4 Alternative color + DBS Broly.

1.2 05/12/2020 - Fixed shadows textures for Color07 to Color12. - Fixed Super Saiyajin hair and eyes for Color03 / Color05 / Color09. - Color 02 : Add  SSJ Blue transformation when Animation against Janemba. - Color 07 : SSJ4 other fixing + add transformation when Animation against Janemba. - Color 10 : Fixed shoes. - Color 11 : Rework Black Rose (fixed hand too).

1.1 01/11/2020 - Color 7 : Gogeta DBGT - SSJ 4 (Fixed) - Color 8 : Gotenks Xeno - Normal (Fixed) - Color 9 : Gotenks Xeno - Super Sayajin (Fixed)

1.0 31/10/2020

Recolor Color02 to 12: - Color 2 : Gogeta DBS - SSJ God - Color 3 : Gogeta DBS - Super Sayajin - Color 4 : Gogeta DBS - Normal - Color 5 : Gogeta DBZ - Super Sayajin - Color 6 : Gogeta DBS - Normal - Color 7 : Gogeta DBGT - SSJ 4 (a little buggy) - Color 8 : Gotenks Xeno - Normal (a little buggy) - Color 9 : Gotenks Xeno - Super Sayajin (a little buggy) - Color 10 : Gogeta Xeno - Normal (from the color of Vegeto Xeno). - Color 11 : Gogeta Black - Super Sayajin Rose - Color 12 : Gogeta Broly

  • 45uploads
File size
5.42 MB
Credit given to modders
BenichonSan (RazLaron as you want so me)
August 21, 2022


Leave a Reply

  1. bryan says:

    in the alternative package I don’t get super broly color

    How can i fix this?

  2. Poppleman says:

    Personally, I think the Fusion Reborn color should have his pale skin from the movie instead of the tan from Broly.

    Great recolors though, as always.

  3. BestWind says:

    there a few problems with the mod, you should give it an update. color 4-8-10 don’t work in the alternative version, they show the normal version colors.
    (still love all of them, good job!)

    1. BenichonSan says:

      I fixed the problem. The website kept my old pak (1.2) + new pak (1.4).
      But people download, they get the 1.2 version…

      So i deleted it and tested that people get recolor pak 1.4 and alternative color one :).

      Sorry to seen this 1 year after :).

  4. tilin tobar says:

    idk why but i cant see the broly dbs and its my fav recolor 🙁

  • 45uploads
File size
5.42 MB
Credit given to modders
BenichonSan (RazLaron as you want so me)
August 21, 2022

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