JRPG Music Pack

This will replace all Character Themes, Stage Songs, and Menu Music that you can with the OST Mod Manager.
Most of the songs are from different Super Robot War games but there are songs from other RPGs like Growlanser, Trails of Cold Steel, Granblue Fantasy, and YS 8.
How to install:
Extract the RPG_P.pak and RPG_P.sig into "DRAGON BALL FighterZ/RED/Content/Paks/~mods"
Suggested In-Game Sound Settings:
Music: 90~100
Sound Effects: 60~65
Voice: 65~70
Title Screen: Growlanser The Beginning
Lobby Theme: Z Warriors
Character Select: Intermission
Arcade Mode: Flowing Smoke
Vs Screen: For The Day That Must Come
Victory Screen: The Battle End 1 And Post War
Stage Songs:
West City: Feathers Wandering In The Night Sky
West City Ruins: The Decisive Collision
Cavern: Corridor of the Lost Ages
Cell Games: Transcend Beat
Islands: Sono Mama no Kimi de Ite
Namek: So Close Yet So Far...
Namek Destroyed: Platinum Sky
Land Of The Kais: Trial of the Four Great Angels
Canyon: In Search of Tomorrow
Space: The Last Fighter Twin
Tenkaichi Budokai: None Can Oppose Us
Plains Destroyed: Together With You
Gotenks: Ryu Knight Zephyr Theme
Piccolo: Solar Crystal
Android #16: Shouting Black
Android #18: I Want To Be Strong
Beerus: Unfathomed Force
Boo: Custos
Cell: Pantheon of Soulless Machines
Freeza: Chimera
Ginyu: Legend of Kaiser
Gohan: Believe In Our Bonds
Goku: Theme of Growlanser
Goku Black: Delusional God of War
Hit: A License To Kill
Krillin: Love's Not Enough
Nappa: The Heavenly Diamond
Trunks: The Knights of The Fury
Vegeta: The King's Love is For His People
Yamcha: Hero of the Storm
Extract the Archive to the ~mods folder