Perfect Cell Skin Mods 1-16 by me (Sureidu)

Twitter: @Sureidu
Showcase Video: Youtube
Donate: Paypal
All created by me so please credit when using (Sureidu), this is my first modding skins and have to start with my favourite character, and don't worry! I'll be doing more in future!
01 - Anime Cell
02 - Imperfect Cell
03 - Semi-Perfect Cell
04 - Manga Cell
05 - Cell Jr
06 - Cellin (Budokai What if)
07 - Xeno Cell (DB Heroes)
08 - Golden Cell
09 - Moro (Super Manga)
10 - 2nd Form Frieza
11 - Hirudegarn
12 - Pride Trooper
13 - Meruem (Hunter x Hunter)
14 - Guyver II (Guyver)
15 - Batman
16 - Legendary Dark Knight Sparda (Devil May Cry)
Extract the zip file and place the folder in: Steamsteamapps/common/DRAGON BALL FighterZ/RED/Content/Paks/~mods
and the best skins go beyond 12, I’m sad, in all the mods I put yours, it only goes up to 12
your mods only go up to 12………..