Super Saiyan Rosé Evolution Goku Black

This was based on artwork by Mo4
Not recolor friendly replaces all colors 1-16 but are the defaults with changes for the for form eyes/hair/skin/ect other then colors 08/09/10 those are custom.
also doesn't change UI as i didn't feel like doing it yet but it will at somepoint maybe.
A costume script version will come at a later date.
I take commissions at my discord:
Also i have a patreon beta versions of mods will be uploaded there before they're public but only cause they aren't finished:
i also post WIP of my mods on my twitter:
Extract folder into ~mods
1.0 Release.
1.1 Updated normals/vertex paint. meaning the lighting on the shirt/arms looks far better. Also replaced modeled on veins with decal based veins. (check screenshots)
2.0: V2 of the mod, a complete recreation based on Mo4's updated design linked in the desc.
If you do make a costume script version, could you make it slot 3 please?
Hola, primero que todo muchas gracias por su esfuerso en crear estos mods.
Ya me e visto muchos videos de como instalar los mods pero no me funcionan por razones que desconosco, hago al pie de la letra todo lo de los videos, instalo las carpetas, desinstalo el AntiCheat, Creo la carpeta Mods con el signo, y pego los mods pero al abrir el juego de ( Steam PC) no funcinan,.
Alguien que me pueda ayudar o pasar algun video que de verdad funcione, !!MUCHAS GRACIAS!!.