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Event rewards/Premium Costumes in the normal Shop and Easy Achievements

This mod makes:

  • The Event Rewards, Premium Shop costumes and every attack available in the normal Shop, on the main lobby, Beta and Gamma shop. (Not all the attacks work well on the CAC.)
  • Upgrade items: Energies and Cubes buyable in the Items tab of the main shop.
  • Most useful Ability Skills, that only drop on Free Missions RNG, purchasable in all the Shops, different ones in each shop. Every Ability Skill can be equipped in any Ability.
  • Temari's leg mesh cloth, the red and white stripped and the white thigh highs to be selectable in the Special costumes and a hidden face tattoo.
  • Kaiba, Itachi and Jiraiya's hair w/out the protector selectable in hairstyles section. Jiraiya's hair is non colorable
  • All hairs available for male and female CAC
  • Outfits not unselect each other.
  • Unlocks the Emotions from the Premium Shop.
  • And finally all achievements can be unlocked by doing 10 Emotions.

Uncompress the .7z file and merge the provided mods folder with yours.

Josou Kitsune
  • 10Mods
  • 2Followers

December 9, 2021


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  1. How to use this mod on ver 3.02

    1. Download version 3.01
    2. Copy the files in Jump_force / binary / win64 from ver 3.02 to 3.01
    3. Install the mod
    4. Turn off the internet and run ver 3.01 ( it should run as 3.02 without any problems)

    If there is no saved data
    Mine is a cracked version, so the save file was located in user / username / appdata / roaming / Goldberg Steam / 816020
    Copy the save file to user / username / public documents / steam / codex / 816020
    Then everything should run smooth.

    After you’re done modding, you can take the new save file from ver 3.01 to replace the one in 3.02. Or just run 3.01 as the new 3.02. Whatever you prefer.

    Hope this helped.

  2. Just want to point out the sad fact the only way for the mod to return most likely would involve someone else taking over and possibly just create a save editor or reverse engineer it for the latest version. This is a good mod and it sad to see it die like this.

  3. Hello, not sure if the creator has seen the dozens of comments addressing this issue or not; regardless, this mod (for version 3.02 of the game) DOES NOT WORK, regardless if it’s even installed correctly. It will crash your game. Please fix this as soon as possible.

  4. Unfortunately splitting the upper torso from lower torso for more customization options sounds like a great idea on paper, except that in practice it breaks every full body costume in the game. Now most of you may be thinking, “So what! More customization!” and I would tend to agree, except for some full body dresses being broken on female characters now, such as the Dark Magician Girl outfits, and that one black dress with the curled pointed toed boots that go with it… I do not like this at all as none of the bottoms I have found were able to look any good with it.

    Either they clip, or they are too long or both.

    1. Edit: I now see what you did, clever. You split the shops up into different categories… The main shop by the premium being the new offline premium shop, and to get the rest of the outfit parts go to the Gamma shop… I have yet to check the alpha and beta ones but I am guessing those are now the regular shop items?

  5. This is amazing =D however, it seems not everything is unlocked =O For example I can’t find any of the hair styles you described (neither Kaiba, Itachi nor Jiraiya) neither in any of the shops, nor in the hair style selection. Also, things like SSJ Goku Hair, Goku Black Rose hair etc. are also not avaiable =O
    will this mod be updated maybe one last time? =)

    1. After you DL. Extract and go to your Jump Force folder / JUMPFORCE / content / Paks

      In the PAK folder create [~mods] then put the .pak and .sig you extracted inside
      right click and refresh then you’re done. GG

Josou Kitsune
  • 10Mods
  • 2Followers

December 9, 2021

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