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LUFFY GEAR 5!!! + recolor mods

Luffy with his new Gear 5 form from the manga is here!!

Also have recolor mods for Zoro and Sanji giving them their coloring from currently in Wano

The mods are available on patreon so that is where the link will send you.

The Sanji recolor mod is free on Patreon but for the others you would have to become a Patreon member


Same as always

  • 44Mods
  • 7Followers

April 12, 2022


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      1. Hi
        I put in a lot of time and effort into my mods, it would self deprecating if i didn’t charge anything for them.
        And i do put out free mods nowadays. On the last one there’s a free piccolo mod, on the on before that a free Goku Mod, and before that a free Sasuke mod and even before that a free Ichigo mod. They are in my Patreon too

        1. Yes, but the free mods you choose tend to be the ones most people would prefer not to use. And I don’t think you should stop charging for them altogether, maybe just keep it to the absolute highest quality ones.
          Or you could make it so that Patrons pay for early access to the mods, and you release them fully around a week or two later.

          1. I agree, I do see the work and time put into it. and im not bashing on the prices but for what I assume, 20 dollars for a mod reskin? I do love the wano zoro, and now the gear 5 (Sun god Nika) mod pack but spending the money ontop of a already expensive and I believe unobtainable game for some, it doesnt seem outrageous but for the ones people want being free might bring more exposure. not saying you havent considering being basically premoted on the PS360H2 page but supply and demand calls for things people want to be gotten at a fair price and be charged for things they want but dont absolutely need. im not bashing on you or your mods zekken, there great and im even considering buying the patreon to get them. however its what stopping me from ultimately doing it, as stupid as it sounds the patreon is whats keeping me from buying the patreon. I love wano zoro considering hes my favorite one piece character and now Joyboy luffy, but i wouldnt want to spend money on something that ill use but wont play a whole lot after with the shut down. I do appreciate you zekken and im jealous of your work but i cant decide on what i want considering i might forget about it after a few months until a new mod gets exposed to me.

          2. True, that’s a very good idea. He also could have donations so he still would earn about the same amount of money he would by making his mods paid.

        2. a lot of people who makes mods for other games put in a lot of work as well and they still give the mods for free and accept donations if people like the mod even people who do charge do not make people pay 20+ just to use the mods on top of having to buy the game with the dlc and now if u want to have decent mods on top that price seems a bit much just for some mods when some games require more work put in for the people who make mods for those games and most the games adds in new stuff not just re skins or somewhat reskins

        3. We really appreciate all the effort and love you put in your mods, they are really great and, to be honest, probably are the most high quality that i’ve ever seen in Jump Force, but the prices that you charge are absurdly high in some countries. For example in Brazil (where i live) our currency has a really bad value and 1 buck is about 5 bucks in our currency, so for your 20$ patreon price we would pay around 100$ ONLY for that. At least (if you could) could you make the prices lower? Or adapt the prices for other regions if possible idk, like Steam does, im not telling you to make the mods for free because its your choice to make them paid but please at least consider some people that dont have enough financial conditions to enjoy your content.

  • 44Mods
  • 7Followers

April 12, 2022

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