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Agency Super Pack V2.0

Fixed the bugs from the first pack inclulding the agency plane, bike and weapons.

   Agency Garret Traver-Z

   Agency Hedge Wildchild

   Agency Makoto MZ - FIXED

   Agency ATV

   Agency MTA Powerrun 77

   Agency Pell Silverbolt 6

      - This will still explode upon impact when airborn, like all planes

      - Sped up slightly

      - Uses the weaponized Mk.2 texture and weapons, credit to it's author

   Agency Tank

      - Uses the orange skin texture, credit where it's due.

A fuckload of modded weapons, of which I can remember:

   Automatic Rocket Revolver fires 5 rounds at 1km/s: wrecks EVERYTHING

   Rocket Launcher fires 1 round at 100x damage at 1km/s

   Assault Rifle dual wield, increased range & damage

   Machine Gun increased range and damage

   Automatic Sniper at 2km/s (Rail Gun)

   Automatic Pistols which deal 10x damage and range

   Triggered explosives with Space Rocket explosion

   Lots more, can't remember them all right now.

Enhanced Grapple with 8km reach and 200m/s speed

Invincible Rico (if you want your original health or whatever - even though it makes you invincible - remove "player.bin")

NOTE1: Most vehicle mods require max upgrade, if you don't have that many parts then whap out bolopatch and get some.

NOTE2: The best weapon combo for completing cities etc is the rocket launcher and revolvers, get yourself high up and rain hell upon the site, destroying everything. Then just run round and pick up the crate :)

Callum Hyland
  • 5Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
3.34 MB
November 30, -0001


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Callum Hyland
  • 5Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
3.34 MB
November 30, -0001

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