Apocalypse Hedge

I mod I made a while back based off Nikosi's drift truck. It has the hover cannon on-board with improved explosion effect. Comes standard with two grenade launchers fitted out the back. Deadly donuts of doom indeed make for a nice maneuver downtown. This ride is fitted with submersible technologies and is virtually impervious to conventional damage. Custom paint on the house. Let me know if you think it needs tweaked.
This changes small missile bin and missile explosion so if you don't want those files changed leave them out, as they are just for effect. I'm not sure what issues people are having I checked the file loaded it into my game and it is working fine. I re-uploaded the same file I've been using. Might have previously had the wrong file uploaded here, if so apologies. I'm using a black market mod but not sure that should make a difference for vanilla people or not.. Let me know if its still causes problems.
The drift values aren't anywhere I would like them to be. Not sure if I'm going to work on them more or not. Anyone else is free to tinker with this mod.