Better Scooters [UPDATE]
Generally, This mod increase the performance of two moped/scooter motorcycles, Virginia and Mosca 2000.
This mod is made by Gibbed Avalanche R148-B29, I appreciate it.
I recently made the Version 1.2, it is similir to 1.1a but with some small enhancements, Top Speed is about 98km/h. I also made a 1300cc super cruiser mod. Try it if you are interested.
just put the 2 eez file into dropzone folder at game root directory
v0.8: Finished tweaking of these two bike after 1 night :) 1st mod i have ever made, it is originally 1.0 but I found bugged transmission at steep roads
V1.0 Control smoothness is tested fine, generally satisfied
v1.1a: this version further increases the performance by ~10%(1.4x performance).Is superseded by v1.2. v1.1b: this version increases the performance by ~60%(1.6x performance). Is superseded by v1.2a. v1.1c: this version increases the performance to ~200%(2x performance), this version may be not useful(too fast).
v1.2: it is similar to 1.1a but with some small enhancements, Top Speed is about 98km/h. I also made a 1300cc super cruiser mod