Custom Rides 1

Here's the start of hopefully a collection of car skins and car adjustments I'm going to put together.
This mod includes a custom paint job, adjusted speed and weight for better handling, and includes flame shooting tailpipes! I added The two decals on the front, the decal on the roof, and chromed everything out that should be chromed out.
I would have done more work on the interior but after finding out that all steering wheels front seats, and dashboards are borrowed and switched between multiple cars, and noticing they are not even on the texture sheet I was left without the ability to do any editing on those pieces.
INSTALL: Extract the file and place it in your dropzone folder.
Any comments and crits are welcome and encouraged.
Side note: As of now I have yet to figure out how to make this car not drivable by NPC's so yes, if you head to the city, there will be other people driving this car, I find that kind of lame (what's the use of having a "custom" ride if everyone's driving it?)
If I or anyone else figures out how to make this not work with npc's please let me know so I can make adjustments.
Ok. well it seems I can edit the worldsim bin in order to not make the car spawn, that's not exacly what I am looking for. I don't want the car to be removed completely, Just that I don't want the npc's to be riding around with the same paint job. I believe I may have to do this by changing the texture names in a hex editor as per how it's done with model adding/ character replacements.