Explosive Sniper
This was a Sniper (modded) which i made for my friend , but then i thought of releasing it to this site
This gun features the Sniper Rifle , You can still zoom with it , when u shoot you shoot autocanon bullets - WHICH CAUSE HUGE DESTRUCTION , And also i increased the ammo capacity
To install just paste the files to youre dropzone folder which is located in youre game folder, if you do not have a drop zone folder just create one and paste it there
This is my first mod , please try it out and comment how it is below :D thnx
And also you can p me any weapon mod you want (if you want me to mod a weapon for u just pm me :D)
to isntall mods please visit http://www.videogamemods.com/justcause2/index.php/forum?func=view&catid=19&id=3262 it will tell you all how to install mods
If you still cant install just pm me