F33 – Dragonfly Strike Bomber
F33 - Strike Bomber
Addons: 1 Cannon, 4 Cluster Bombs, 2 Rocket Launchers.
Updates: 2 double cluster bombs was added and placed on wings due to the weapons destroying the aircraft. Rockets added but disable with the cluster bomb version to avoid the cluster bomb float. 2 machine guns removed and replaced with a cannon on the nose.
Weapons: 6 miniguns, 8 machine guns, 1 big cannon, 2 cluster bombs, 2 rocket launchers, 1 cannon.
Skin color: Black red tiger with carbon fiber specs.
Specs: Laser Grenade, Better diving, Better maneuver, Carbon fiber breathing holes on belly, You can't damage this airplane. Rear jet fire while idle, taking off or landing, Read thruster while taking off or flying.
You must own the DLC files to use this aircraft and or the cluster bombs.
Installation: unzip .rar extract .arc. .tab to DLC.
Installation: extract .bin to dropzone.
Credit: "voxbox13" for the tiger skin, "Notepad++" is what i used to edit the codes, "Gibbed Tools" because it's what i used to edit the files needed, and "Paint.NET" because it's what i used to edit the skin.
Note: If the cannon doesnt show you mite have to spawn a tank.
Caution: Since this aircraft has better diving and better maneuver this airplane can not be surf.
Any adds and or updates will be posted.
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