Gibbed’s Tool Pack r138
Gibbed Tool Pack REV.138
Contains :
- Gibbed Archive Viewer
- Gibbed Bin to XML Converter (command line)
- Gibbed XML to Bin Converter (command line)
- Gibbed SmallPack (command line)
- Gibbed SmallUnpack (command line)
Does NOT contain:
- Gibbed ModelViewer
- Gibbed ModelViewer2
- Documentations (see SVN)
SVN repository (for the latest stuff):
Helpful documentation:
Quick tool info:
ArchiveViewer - Allows extraction of .arc/tabs.
bin2xml - Converts .bin format files to an .xml format
xml2bin - Converts those .xmls back into the .bin format
SmallUnpack - Unpacks small archives (SARC).
SmallPack - Creates small archives (SARC) from a directory.
Everything is made by gibbed, all I did was compile them for the lazy.
Note to other compilers: Please put revision number somewhere, "from latest SVN" doesn't help anyone.
Everything apart from ArchiveViewer opens a command prompt then disappears 🙁