Invincible GV-104 Razorback
All this mod does is change the GV104 Razorback so that it's invincible, somewhat like it should be. Not buoyant yet, but I'm working on it.
News Updates/Regular Updates
Update: Now buoyant! And the tires are invincible! And upgrading is fixed! Woohoo!
Update 2: Now more buoyant! And the tires should be invincible now!
News update: Buoyancy isn't working.
Another news update: Turns out the tires aren't totally invincible either. Consider it a balance thing :P
Installation Instructions
Simply drop the file in the downloaded .zip into one of the following:
If you use Steam: /dropzone (make this folder yourself!)
C:/Program Files/SQUARE ENIX – Eidos Interactive/Just Cause 2/dropzone (make this folder yourself!)
x64 Windows: C:/Program Files (x86)/SQUARE ENIX – Eidos Interactive/Just Cause 2/dropzone (make this folder yourself!)