Japanese Yokosuka “Judy” Night Fighter
Now this one's interesting! Featuring an imperial japanese night fighter, with the actual colours from the former Imperial Japanese Army Air Corps. Hey, they had to have left more than just senile fanatics on a forbidden island, or what? Not that plane is BANGING! The colour tone is the real one - and indeed, it seems to get really darker when night falls on panauan skies... which you will raid at the usual ferocious speed, with the firepower you might already be acustomed to from my previous warbird mods.
As for the speed on those planes: it might be very hard to slow this bird down enough to land without risking a crash. You can, though, fly at low speed without ever stalling, making it perfect for ground attacks or assassination missions - given it's speed (720 km/h), it's quite surprising.
You can also perform a cobra maneuver (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_maneuver) with it. All in all, those warbirds have everything to be your first choice when it's comes to planes ;) I hope so, at least