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Jgr9’s Cloud Behavior Mod v2

This is my cloud behavior mod.  I was going for more of a large solid cloud look.  Yes, it does break up occasionally so you have clear skies just like normal.  This mod increases the density of the clouds and raises the lowest layer of clouds to an altitude of 1000.  This has only been tested with Ineedascotch's HD Improved Clouds mod so you should go download and install that when you install this.

 V2:  - Removed 40,000 and 20,000 density versions because they caused graphical issues (disappearing clouds).  If anybody sees this bug with this version, tell me on the forum thread.

- Set a couple settings back to the original JC2 settings that caused the upper clouds to look weird.

Forum Thread: - has more info on why I chose to remove the 20,000 and 40,000 versions

UPDATE:  OK, I've decided to upload two versions of the 40,000 density file again.  The download link to the .zip file is in the forum thread. One version in the .zip file has a draw distance of 40,000 (seen in the video) and the other has a draw distance of 80,000, but with half the cloud density - still at 40,000 but within twice the range. BOTH ARE BUGGY!

Installation:  Unzip the file and put the .bin file in the dropzone folder in your JC2 installation folder (usually somewhere in the steamapps folder which is inside the Steam folder in Program Files Wink).

Note 1:  This could (and probably will) drop your framerate drastically when lots of clouds are around, especially when you are looking at the sun through them... or maybe that's just me cause my computer suuucks. Tongue out

 Note 2:  I think this mod might actually make it rain/storm more.  Why?  Again, I'm not completely sure.  Haha. Tongue out

 Note 3:  No, I do not know how to make it so the clouds don't make that square-ish formation.  It makes that normally, but it's just less noticeable with less clouds.

Special thanks to boy3510817 for the motivation I guess. Haha. Laughing

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218 B
November 30, -0001


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November 30, -0001

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