Just Cause 2 – ‘Ace Special’ Experimental/Compilation Mod (UPDATE: v77)

Just Cause 2 - 'Ace Special' Experimental/Compilation Mod
UPDATE 11/28/2016 : v77 "semi-final-version"
-Minor tweaks (they're smarter-ish) -Added (few) more fights on Salad Island (vehicles also, ai uses them now) -Added more fights in random spots of Hantau Island. -Added more "hidden" stashes (Hantau Island, Salad Island, Desert Plateau, Shipwreck, Pie, etc..) -The DLC para-thruster spawns somewhere in game (it may look out of range, but it def isn't) -Added Panay's Rocket Launcher's spawn to the game also (2 areas) -Added 2x bubble blaster spawns in unlisted areas.
-In some areas throughout Panau, Sabatoge items will respawn (Gas Stations/Pumps, Cranes, Silos)
UPDATE 7/6/2016 : v65 last test version, forgot I accidentally killed a few of my links. lol sorry!!
NOTE: the link should go to my jc2 dropbox folder, I'll put this and other things in there as-is.
Credits/Thanks: Avalanche, Jusupov, mUGEN, voxbox, CoconutFred, Mandella, Capo, Prof Farnsworth, Technopath, hahahaha, mrtt, JustCause2 Mods, JC2-MP, and more!
Description: This mod started out when I was learning how to mod JC2. I've included aspects of some other mods, which I've noted in credits/changes. Also fixed some bugs combining them, and not to mention my own 'tweaks' to various other aspects of the game: Weapons, Effects, Enemies, Gameplay, Spawns, etc... This mod is intended for fun, and learning as well - I've included all modified sources, as well as comments in the .xml code wherever I could so others could see what was changed. The .bin files are also NOT locked, but I'd recommend using the .xml as it might be cleaner/easier to read. Thanks for looking, enjoy!
-You need all DLC.
-If running ANY other mods, back them up and start with a FRESH (empty) dropzone folder.
-Unpack the 7z archive to your Just Cause 2 folder (not just copy it there, that will do nothing good).
-Dropzone, DLC and archives_win32 mods are included - no need to (re)create any folders.
Changes (see readme file inside for more info):
-Populated Salad island - DLC items, and some traps.
-Added some 'Colonel Invalidnick' battles across Panau (roughly 10x), also he respawns.
-Added some 'easter eggs' across Panau - 3x Space Rockets, 2x Submarines. They also respawn.
-Modified Jusupov's item stash + more, see readme for full list.
-Included crazy civilian ai base (for civilian insanity).
-Expanded heatspawn for government and factions
-And more (see readme for full list)
-Originally based off Zxz's Blackmarket Mod
-Modified so everything unlocks (reduced prices)
-Added CoconutFred's 'JC2-ArmyOnDemand' framework (modified for 1x, 3x, 5x, 10x group spawning)
-Lots more changed (see readme for full changes)
-Named after JC1 counterparts
-All weapons modified (see readme for full list)
-Modified 'Military Upgrade Pack' vehicles.
-Added some modified versions of weaponized vehicles.
-No 'invulnerable' vehicles - only slightly increased HP/armor vs 'Stock'.
-Lots more (see readme for full list of changes)
-Quick Time Event timer slowed down
-Faction collectibles ONLY show up on MiniMap
-Resource/Faction item glow increased (greatly)
-All payouts (mostly all of them) increased.
-Lots of other small changes/tweaks - see readme for full list.
Videos (for an idea of some changes):
-Backup your DLC, and start with an empty dropzone (I don't know of compatability with other stuff, but feel free to try), and any blackmarket mods from archives_win32 folder. -Unpack this archive to your Just Cause 2 install folder (it had both the DLC and dropzone folders already setup). -Play JC2. -blow stuff up. -Rinse, repeat.
Test the limits of physics in a world designed for experimentation. In people playground , players are given access to tools like fire, explosives, and electricity to create dynamic interactions with characters and objects.
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