Max payne 3 player skin (re-texture)

The most realistic Max Payne 3 Skin Mod!
Just place all the files in game directory that is 'Just Cause 2 \dropzone'
If there is no 'dropzone' folder then just create a new folder, name it 'dropzone' and place these in there.
Just before running the game, run the 'Slow Motion.exe' and in game press 'q' once to turn slow motion on, then 'q' again to turn it off. SIMPLE!
This mod matches exact details as the Max Payne 3 character, some of them are...
-Exact face and texture+details
-Exact shirt pattern
-Exact pants and its texture+details
-Exact arms (you can even see the blood vessels)
-Exact weapon holster that Max Payne has in game
- voxbox13 (glasses+helped with some hex editing)
- MxSmack (Slow motion trainer)
There have been 3 versions (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) and after all that I decided to completely re-work everything and make it as much detailed as possible. This took alot of time and hard work to accomplish, so i hope you all like it. I have removed all the previous versions, in my opinion the current version beats the rest. Enjoy!