Monster Truck/Hovercraft “fix” for First Person – Land Vehicles v2.1 mod

Just a small workaround for Tool2Heal's First Person - Land Vehicles v2.1 mod.
It fixes the Hovercraft and Monster truck DLC's so that their third person mode faces forwards rather than backwards, and the camera moves.
The sacrifice is that for big boats and the tank, reverse mode is now free-camera mode, starting facing-forwards (but can turn to face backwards, so not a complete loss).
I take no credit whatsoever for this brilliant mod and do not claim that I made it in any way. I just fixed a minor issue. Tool2Heal, who hasn't been online in a while, deserves all the credit.
Just replace the camera_settings.bin of his with this one in your dropzone folder.
If you want this (fixed version) to work with the First Person Superman Flying mod (what?! You haven't heard?!! Try that mod!) then click here.