Multi Vehicle Circuit

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Farnsworth Multi Vehicle Circuit: Race 1 and 2
This will change the race "Downtown Highway" (COORD X:3475 Y:15289) to "Farnsworth Pro Circuit 1", and the race "Pelaut Highway Run" (COORD X:27272 Y:7525) to "Farnsworth Pro Circuit 2", custom races.
If you have downloaded race 1, delete the files "r_farnsworth_circuit1.arc" and "" from your "archives_win32" folder as race 1 is included with this update.
Extract contents of "multivehicle_pro_circuit.rar" to your "archives_win32" folder in your Just Cause 2 root directory.
Credits: Thanks to "Jusupov" for his short tutorial on And thanks to Mr. Bolo for making the location tool, which made this possible.
Please do not upload anywhere else and give credit if used.
Prof. Farnsworth