RAF Far East Command Warbird “Sweet’n’Sour”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand another Airhawk skin :) don't worry, it'll match its bad looks with speed. Bad looks? Well, since I published several airhawk mods with skins inspired from propeller planes that might have actually flown in South East Asia, I preferred to start with this Far East Command version (specific roundel without the red dot to avoid any confusion with their enemy's insignia, the japanese Hinomaru). As for the colours, they seem to match the actual livree of the british warbirds down there.
I painted "sweet 'n' sour" above the shark nose. I prefered keeping the shark nose, it's still cool
It is just another version of the same, modified plane, but I'm sure that, with the time, y'all find the warbird you prefer, and not only the Spitfire/Mustang/Corsair paint jobs (that I shall make sooner or later - most importantly, feel free to make your own mods, it'd be cool to see watcha can do =)
Ah yeah: for those who haven't downloaded one of my previous warbird mods: it's deadly and fast as hell