Rico Red Tiger Pack v4.5

This is a mod with a rico red tiger skin with a Garret Traver-Z red tiger with beter handling and driving and now in version 4.5 a Stun gun replaces the pistol.I hope you like it.
Credits: (Car and skin) KLADHO and (Gun) Improvisor
Instalation: dropzone
v4.5 Rico skin updated (now with depth) and a new stun gun (Replaces the pistol) fences are good for firework.
v3.0 Rico skin haves now a red tiger logo and the Garret Traver-Z can now drive 500 and at a turn (90 degrees) with a speed (500) no drift = MEGA Car
v2.0 Garret Traver-Z better handling (Use this car for drifting). No rolling with this car without a nuclear bomb.
v1.5 Beter Rico skin