Sentry Sakura Aquila Metro ST
Sentry Sakura Aquila Metro ST
Weapons: SentryGun turret contains 2 machine guns, 2 flak cannons.
Skin Color: RARE Carbon fiber specs.
Specs: Replaced engine sound with the titus engine sound, RARE Flak cannon gun barrels, Increased speed, Unbreakable mod only changes the damage values. You can't damage this car, Fullly custom sentrygun turret.
Installation: unzip .rar extract to dropzone.
Credit: "Notepad++" is what i used to edit the codes, "Cpc2011" For converting the engine file, "voxbox13" For correcting my driverseat, "Gibbed Tools" because it's what i used to edit the files needed & "Paint.NET" because it's what i used to edit the skins.
Any adds and or updates will be posted.
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