Supercharged Skin and Unbreakable for G9 Eclipse

Updates: Skin touch-up,Carbon fiber specs, Belly and side breathing holes.
Useing "ThePlagu3" mod for randodom's Super G9 Eclipse .
Weapons: 14 miniguns, 16 rocket launchers.
Skin color: Shine black red tiger with carbon fiber specs, Stealth at night.
Specs: Unbreakable and underwater. You can't damage this airplane, Must be in vehicle for the specs to take effect.
Installation: unzip .rar extract to dropzone.
Credit: "ThePlagu3" G9 Supercharge, "randodom" for the weapons, "voxbox13" for the G9 Tiger skin, "Gibbed Tools" and "Paint.NET" because it's what i used for my skin.
Any adds and or updates will be posted.
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