The black hero – compilation / mod pack

In this soft mod/compilation pack, you shall find all the needed tools to become a true legend :
- You will have a new skin : The black Hero
- Press SHIFT and you will be as fast as the wind !
- Press F & SPACE and you will fly like an angel !
- Crush your ennemy with your invisible whip and you will send them fly !
- You will now make 5/8 meters long jumps !
- Take the invisibles Airzooka & vacuumzooka and you will be able to use the force !
- Throw a grenade and a short Electricity explosion will make ennemy fly like butterflies
- Active a triggered mine and a laser will blows ennemies away on a larger area
- You will not see your weapons until you take them !
- Enjoy the space blast of the rocket launcher !
- You will be able to control the weather !! Just call the blackmarket !
But be careful ! You may be more resistant and survive 2 or 3 explosions, but you are not invincible !
Included mod :
- Vacuum and airzooka v3.0 by Sven - Superman Flying mod with Jc2-mp option by Powerslave212
- Air Traffic x 20 by Arslan
- Better Explosions by TUPASPAZ
- Improved Creatures by mrtt
- Panauan Army camo retexture by Crow
- Real Roads by DarkSide
- Mile High Club Naked by Erik
- Better sky & Weather control by Cole Kern / midodahb / DI_Ghostie_ID / yahia_g
- Max x20 Sprint, Fastest Yet ! V2.0 by Mayank
- Hide Weapon's mod by iFlameZ
- Fast & Full blackmarket by ZxZ / Lex
My little Creations / modifications :
- Long jump
- Semi God resistance
- Grenades/mines effects & explosions
- Rocket Launcher explosion and effects
- New font
- Strong & Fast Invisible Grapplin
- New skin
This modpack/compilation was not made for you to be OP, now your ennemies will have a chance !
For seven years i was in the dark, playing with this awesome game. And now i want to share a part of what i have collected and created over the years !
I hope you will like it :)
WARNING : You will need TWO DLC : "Black Market Boom Pack" & "Rico's Signature Gun"
1. Create a "dropzone" folder in : C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonJust Cause 2
2. Unzip all the "dropzone" files into that folder.
3. Go to : C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonJust Cause 2DLC and be sure to make a save of these files
4. Replace all the "DLC" files with the new ones
5. Enjoy.
Version 1 : First Realease
good mod