Themed HUD

This is my first upload; sticking to the basics. These are just simple retextures of the in-game HUD.
There are 3 in all:
1. Arctic Theme - gives Rico an white digital camo and the GUI a sort of frosted look
2. Desert Theme - gives Rico a Desert digital camo and the GUI a light brown HEX effect (What I use; cooler than it sounds)
And, of course, 3. Gold Theme - gives Rico gold clothes, eyes, and grapple and the GUI a gold overlay
EDIT: pda issue resolved, simply by replacing the uncooperative files with the originals... It did get in the way.
Known issues: the pda gets a large black out line when viewing map or black market.
This is from the program I used to edit the textures (when exporting to .dds, it roughs off the faded edges the texture originally had); it shouldn't get in the way too much, if it does just remove the 'main_menu.blz' from dropzone.
1. Open file in WinRAR or something similar.
2. Navigate to the desired theme (each of them conveniently labeled)
3. Extract said theme and place those file in your dropzone folder, located in the Just Cause 2 directory.
If there isn't a dropzone folder, simply create a new folder and name it 'dropzone' (no quotes)