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100% Save Game With All Gear Mods, All Resupply Points, and All Monasteries Unlocked. Everything Re-oppressed. (Includes All DLC)


The save has:

  • All missions completed including DLC missions
  • Everything unlocked including anything from every DLC (resupply points, monasteries, gear mods, rebel drops)
  • All collectibles (e.g. Di Ravello tapes, Eden Callaghan tapes).
  • Every location has been re-oppressed.
    • You get to have fun taking everything over yourself

You might be wondering why I created this save file when there are already many 100% save files out there. The reasons I created this save file is because the other save files have problems such as:

  • Missing Eden Callaghan tapes, missing resupply points, missing monasteries
  • Every location has been re-oppressed, but many locations have certain chaos objects destroyed (probably by accident)
  • The gear mods were not obtained legitimately and they are bugged as a result. For example, some save games have unlocked all sky fortress gear mods, but they don't actually do anything.
  • Annoying bugged indicators to show that you have unlocked a new map/rebel drop item, which never disappear:
  • Some save files are outdated and might be corrupt


  • This Save Game Will Not Work If You Do Not Own All DLC (Sky Fortress, Mech Land Assault, Sea Heist).
  • This save has all control settings are set to default. You will have to change it to your own preferences.
  • I have disabled the 'Precision Aim' in the weapon mods category. Using it breaks the auto target lock for your bavarium wingsuit and planes. This is a bug that developers have yet to fix. Feel free to re-enable it yourself.
  • Since this save file works on the latest version of Just Cause 3 and the game is no longer being updated by the game developers. This save file will always be "up to date".
  • You will only see download link after you log in! I have no control over this. It's this website's rules.


  1. Open your documents folder, then open Square Enix > Just Cause 3 > Saves > there is a folder with your steamID (e.g. 76561198046868148) remove everything in that folder.
  2. This save game has been compressed into a ".zip" format, you can extract the contents using programs such as "Winrar" or "7zip"
  3. Copy all the files from "save" folder into the folder with your steamID

1.0.0 - Release

1.0.1 - Fixed the bug which created an unremovable 'new item indicator' (*) on the rebel drop category in the CommLink.

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
2.55 MB
March 2, 2022


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  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
2.55 MB
March 2, 2022

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