A More Rebel Rico
Changes Rico's outfit color scheme to cyan, black and grey, including:
Cyan/camo pants, black belt, cyan straps, grey and cyan jacket, black shoes, a cyan watch, and a cyan undershirt.
I cannot make the vanilla wingsuit textures match, as I don't have the sky fortress DLC, but the bavarium wingsuit matches anyways.
Copy "Dropzone" into your Just Cause 3 installation folder.
v 1.1 : added black pants and cyan belt
v 2 : added a lot of things, mainly changed the entire color scheme to black, grey, and cyan, but also fixed minor texture bugs and added rebel flag instead of red square on Rico's shoes.
v 2.1 : removed rebel flag from shoes because it looked bad. I may be able to put a rebel insignia on his jacket, but I tried that before and it didn't work out that well.
v 3 : camo pants and less turquoise-ish tone.
Problem Rico doesnt have his cargo pant only black jean and am sad because this outfit is very cool