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Better Mech

Increases the health, speed, and power of the mech which makes it more suitable for combat and destruction.

This is a custom personal mod adapted from Protato's Ultimate Mech [REVISED]. Since the magnet and weapons in Protato's version do not work in the current version of the game, I redid the entire mod to my liking. The only constants between the two are most of the mech's vehicle modules regarding the movement physics, although I don't know how much they changed to begin with.

For the most part, the changes are more moderate and more consistent with the physics in the base game when compared to Protato's, although I went more extreme with the mech punch force pulse just because it's fun.

Health is increased to maximum accepted value - it is not infinite, but will survive some crazy stuff and will take about four minutes to explode once the eject warning is triggered, so you can rampage on for even longer!





Copy folder of the desired version into 'dropzone_mech_dlc' folder in the Just Cause 3 directory within the '__UNKNOWN' folder in the Just Cause 3 directory. If these don't exist, create them (without ' ') Repack DLC using neam's DLC Packer and run the .exe after each installation/version change If using Steam, make sure JC3->Properties->Set Launch Options contains the following line verbatim: --vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs. Game will run and mod will work if the mod and DLC is correctly installed


Myriad non-uploaded versions and edits up to this point.

Includes edits of mech magnet to increase power, edits of vehicle modules to increase speed and turning, minor tweaks to mech cannon explosion/damage, many edits to mech punch force pulse. Health is increased to maximum accepted value - it is not infinite, but will survive some crazy stuff and will take about four minutes to explode once the warning is triggered, so you can rampage on.

Slightly More Powerful version (my preferred design) includes:

-increased mech punch force pulse damage and radius, switch between gear upgrades to toggle two variants

-slightly more powerful mech magnet (weight, lift power, throwing distance) but the increases are not too extreme

  • 3Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
82.30 MB
Credit given to modders
April 26, 2018


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  • 3Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
82.30 MB
Credit given to modders
April 26, 2018

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