Bouncing Planes

God damn water physics ruining my mods....
FORGOT TO MENTION: Planes that spawn randomly in game SOMETIMES do not have invincibility (For some reason)
Ultimech mod should be finished and uploaded by tomorrow (NOT the Flying Mech, that's a whole other mod taking WAY too long)
--- Installation ---
0) Steam -> JC3 -> Properties -> 'Set Launch options'
0.5) Copy this:
--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-archive dlc_win64 --vfs-fs .
1) Open the desired version (E.g. C4++Thrust, +Max C4x8 Thrust, Infinite Max C4)
2) Copy the folder inside (Usually labelled 'editor') into your |ZONE| folder
Your |ZONE| folder depends on what the mod is editing
dropzone - Most mods in here, unless stated otherwise dropzone_sky_fortress - Mods affecting Sky Fortress DLC dropzone_mech_land_assault - Mods affecting Land Assault DLC
If |ZONE| = dropzone, you are done!
Else, Step 3
3) Download, copy, & then RUN the DLC Packer from this link:
*Neam's DLC Packer
All planes (Except the water plane) have been "upgraded" to this weird... THING
All planes invincible, and go MUCH faster.