[EXPERIMENTAL] Extra Tethers

Tired of playing those annoying Bavarium scramble games, only to be in command of a grad total of merely 6 tethers? I know I was, so I made this mod, the EXTRA TETHERS MOD! With it installed, you will be able to increase the amount of tether available to you!
Using the safe version, you start the game with 3 tethers available. Upgrade to 6 and then to 9 tethers.
Using the 9 version, you will always have 9 tethers available.
Using the 99 version, you will always have 99 tethers available.
WARNING: the game starts getting very glitchy after about 10 tethers have been placed; use the 99 version at your discretion.
This mod was non working, but has been updated by staff for you to enjoy it once more!
- Luke JC
- Open the downloaded archive
- Select the folder based on whether or not you want extra range
- Select the folder based on whether you want the "safe" version or the "99" version
- Extract the dropzone folder inside as a whole to your Just Cause 3 installation directory. The resulting setup should look like this: C:Program
- Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonJust Cause 3dropzone
- You'll also need to enable the dropzone folder by launching the game with some parameters. To do that:
- Open Steam
- Right click Just Cause 3 and go to "Properties"
- Click "Set launch options"
- Paste in this text: --vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs .
- Click "OK" and then "Close"
0.1 - Initial release
https://videogamemods.com/justcause3/mods/infinite-turbo/ can you fix the broken link in this mod dude (I downloaded the mod on this page)