Just Cause 3 – 5 year modpack

Here's to five years of Just Cause 3!
I made four mods for this occasion so please enjoy!
This includes
- A shielded CS Odjur
- The AE86 from Initial D
- A ducky with Rico head
- JC3's dev menu
To spawn the vehicles, use the entity spawner with the following commands:
- cs odjur - spawn shieldodjur
- AE86 - spawn ae
- ducky rico - spawn ricoduck
If you plan on making a video review on this mod, please be sure to give proper credit, that is linking this page, or atleast the mod website so that viewers do actually know where to download this mod from and so we get feedback on our work
=> Also follow me on Twitter ( @Luke_jc3mp ), to get early updates on my work as well as my Discord to get access to all features on my JC3MP server! https://Discordapp.com/invite/efherxs
To install mods at all, you need to open up steam, then find Just Cause 3 in your list of games. Right-click it and click settings. Now click "Set launch options" and a new window will open up. Copy this:
--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs .
and paste it in there, then click "Done" to save it.
Now go to this filepath: Steam-folder> steamapps> common> Just Cause 3
Now create a new folder called Dropzone and you are done with setting things up.
Now copy the editor and settings folder from the download into your dropzone folder
Download and install aaron's entity spawner from here https://videogamemods.com/justcause3/mods/jc3-entity-spawner/
Download the compatibility files for this mod to work as well: https://videogamemods.com/justcause3/mods/item-spawn-files-for-mod-compatibility/
>>> to remove all mods, simply remove the launch options
- Initial release
Dev menu is broken, most of the options don’t work other than the spawning and theres no way to quit the game without closing the application it’s self
mod dose not work. Nothing spawns in when I select it in the menu
I love it <333!, but bro…WHERE IS SUPRA
In the menu there isn’t a “dev” section with day or night. There is only 2 resume game texts inplace.
How do i use the normal pause menu, it just says example text
To use the normal pause menu you’ll need top remove the mod