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Medici Police Mod

/! STRONGLY RECOMMENDED /! That you play this with thewibi77's "extreme heat mod":

DISCLAIMER: Idea for unarmed helicopters stolen from GregSleg's "Medici News" mod.

Description: - Adds a clean textured police car and replaces most of the low-tier DRM and army vehicles. - Changes the DRM soldiers and army motorcyclists into police captains, and changes most of the normal unarmoured soldiers into policemen with revolvers. - Replaces armoured helicopters with unarmed news helicopters.

To Do: - Give the police officers hats, if possible. - Retexture the helicopters. - Add a variety of police cars, possibly based on the vintage cars, if possible.

I do digital paintings and drawings often inspired by Just Cause 3, visit me on

Put all the folders in your Just Cause 3 dropzone folder. You know the drill. Do not change the folder structure (i.e. by taking the folders out and putting them somewhere else) otherwise the mod will not work.

- 0.2

-- Added bike riders, female police officers, and bikes

-- Texture tweaks

-- Weapon tweaks

- 0.3

-- Added more police types

-- Added police jeep

-- Vehicle spawn tweaks

-- Texture tweaks

-- Weapon tweaks

Jacob Hinds
  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
85.41 MB
Credit given to modders
September 7, 2016


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    1. EDIT: Mod works great. Turns out you had to put a command line in Steam to activate the dropzone folder, in order for mods to work in general. For those who need help right click Just Cause 3 in steam, go Properties, go General tab and put the following where it says launch options (inlcude the dot at the end): –vfs-fs dropzone –vfs-archive patch_win64 –vfs-archive archives_win64 –vfs-fs .

    1. I never but never think im gona to help someone for a game in my life, im too lazy, but for you, i create an account on this site, and i will answer you.
      If you want to play with only certain car or texture for the police you need to look inside the dropzone folder, open the medici police winrar folder ( or anything else), look inside the files ” editor” and ” location”, if you look inside and find the folder you want to delete, for exemple the police car, you find and delete it.

      I resume here what i say beaucause i smoke a lot of weed and i want to be clear.
      FIND THE FOLDER WITH THE FILES YOU WANT TO DELETE FOR EXEMPLE POLICE CAR, YOU DELETE IT THAN ITS DONE ! DONT FORGET TO DELETE IN THE “EDITOR” and “LOCATION” files, if you want to delete the “medici news helicopter”, you just go into dropzone, setting, and delete “aircraft spawner”. I wish i help you

Jacob Hinds
  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
85.41 MB
Credit given to modders
September 7, 2016

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