The POWERFULcore has the unrefined ability of the mech GRIPs, able to push things in a spherical radius away from the point of impact. This advancement in powercore technology is to be terminated as it has been determined the risk to reward factor for mining.
Disposal of the POWERFULcore has been approved by head office, and is to be carried out immediately by our demolition team. Transport has arranged and an unrelated parcel transport company will ship the goods, called Mario & Etcetera.
Expect the package to arrive by Wednesday.
Test footage here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW46lt5oW_Y
--- Installation ---
0) Steam -> JC3 -> Properties -> 'Set Launch options'
0.5) Copy this:
--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-archive dlc_win64 --vfs-fs .
1) Open the desired version (E.g. C4++Thrust, +Max C4x8 Thrust, Infinite Max C4).
2) Copy the folder inside (Usually labelled 'editor') into your |ZONE| folder
Your |ZONE| folder depends on what the mod is editing
- dropzone - Most mods in here, unless stated otherwise
- dropzone_sky_fortress - Mods affecting Sky Fortress DLC
- dropzone_mech_land_assault - Mods affecting Land Assault DLC
If |ZONE| = dropzone, you are done!
Else, Step 3
3) Download, copy, & then RUN the DLC Packer from this link:
*Neam's DLC Packer
Hand of God tested, deemed too powerful. Disposal of weapon arranged.
weapon simply does not exist or is not installed correctly