Realistic Just Cause 3
just kidding.
In Medici, we have some rules. It's a civilized country and no one should trespass them. And those are the rules
- Never kill a goat. NEVER. Goats are The Authority. The sentence is death.
- We are not in America: no guns allowed. The sentence is death.
- Stealing a car is bad. The sentence is death.
- You don't know how to drive ? The sentence is death. (This is how we reduce the number of kills on the road).
- Whatever you do, the sentence will probably be your death. And the one of dozen other ordinary citizens. So smile and enjoy your stay here, at Medici !
Basically, if you just want to spice up your JC3, try this.
I'm not even sorry for the french screenshots.
- Extract in the dropzone folder.
- Survive.
- 0.0.1: initial release