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Rico Rodriguez Cosplayer Re-Takeover Challenge

This is a little challenge package I've put together that transforms the game into something unique, despite changing so little about the game. The war against Di Ravello has long-since passed, but unbeknownst to the Agency, a secret batallion of Di Ravello's goons have overpowered the Rebels once again, and have taken back all the bases, outposts, and towns, albeit without fixing the FOWs.

Take up the role of Rico Rodriguez, a superfan of the actual Rico Rodriguez who coincidentally happens to have the same name. With legs of steel and some weapons stolen from fallen soldiers during the first war, you now decide to set out and dismantle the new DRM with the help of the remaining Rebels! You're no superhero though, in fact your pain tolerance level is so low that you can't even take a single sliver of damage without dying instantly! Also, your Rico outfit and gear is just a cosplay set, it doesn't actually work, so you'll be completing this task without a grappler, wingsuit, or parachute! Your beacons are also just props too, so they don't actually work. Having second thoughts?

Some notes:

- Get used to walking long distances!

- Fast Travel is still enabled but will be quite useless in most cases due to the one-hit deaths. Try and complete the challenge without using Fast Travel even once!

- This challenge will show you just how many military vehicle spawn locations are on the map, as you can't throw beacons to use Rebel Drop!

- You can't stunt jump on vehicles while controlling them. It was either make this change, or let you hang from helicopters which causes serious glitches if the grappler is disabled.

- Ragdoll, explosion knock-back, and feet-first fall damage are actually incapable of damaging you past 1 health, and since this mod sets Rico's health to 1, they do no damage.

How to set this up:

1. BACK UP YOUR SAVE FILE!!!! 2. Copy my included save file to your saves directory, you need to use this custom save file, so don't modify it at all or use parts of other save files. 3. Open up the save file folder, right click on the "kepmap.txt" file, and choose "Properties". 4. Tick the box that says "Read-only" and click "Apply". 5. Go into your game's installation directory, and assuming you don't have mods already, put my dropzone folder in that directory, right next to "JustCause3.exe". 6. Go into Steam and set the following launch options, the . included, but without the " ":

"--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs ."

That's it! The game has been completed and all upgrades are available, but everything has been re-oppressed. Can you take back control of the map without the wingsuit, parachute, grappler, or beacons? You can't use them, even if you try. It's a tough challenge for sure, and one that I've only 99.99% completed myself, as I could not figure out how to disable the monitoring system in two of the towns. Oh, and did I mention that I enabled one-hit deaths? Good luck!

  • 7Mods
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File size
4.00 MB
March 19, 2023


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  • 7Mods
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File size
4.00 MB
March 19, 2023

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