Rico’s Outfits

Want a better outfit, Rico?
I can help! I made a new mod that is an outfit pack of the most popular outfit mods! Let your enemies know who they're fighting, a stylish hero!
Download NOW
Visit my Website! https://therobloxiancombin.wixsite.com/myjc3mods
1. Select the outfit you want, open the file, move the file "models" of the outfit you'd want to the dropzone file in the Just Cause 3 Directory. If you do not have a dropzone folder, make one and name it dropzone, with no CAPs or spaces. It is CaSeSeNsItIvE!
2. Make sure you have the following launch options set: "--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs." (Without the "", also don't forget the dot ".")
3. Open the game.
4. Enjoy fighting in style!
v.01 = Uploaded Mod
The wingsuit can also gain more lift quickly
You can sort of hang on the spot with barely any height loss when you keep holding the key or trigger to go up after doing.