Unlimited Ammo

NOTE: This mod works with all the weapons excluding DLC Weapons!
Did you run out of ammo again after fighting the military?!
I can help! Introducing!!! The unlimited ammo modification! Now battle your enemies, and see what happens? Enjoy blowing up stuff with your RPG but runs out of ammo fast? Problem solved! Download NOW!
Visit my Website! https://therobloxiancombin.wixsite.com/myjc3mods
1. Take the AmmoMod file and drop it into your dropzone folder in the Just Cause 3 Directory. If you do not have a dropzone folder, make one and name it dropzone, with no CAPs or spaces. It is CaSeSeNsItIvE!
2. Make sure you have the following launch options set: "--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs." (Without the "", also don't forget the dot ".")
3. Open the game.
4. Enjoy battling enemies without losing ammo!
v0.1 = Uploaded Mod
v0.2 = Fixed Download Problem
v0.3 = Added my site to mod (You can view upcoming mods there!)
vo.4 = Fixed Ammo
doesnt work
this feels op, maybe make it so you still have to reload?