*UPDATED* Better Wingsuits

Hey, it's hard to get a screenshot of the wingsuit goin' fast, don't judge me for using the same picture!
I have released a preset that only changes the steering. However, the steering sensitivity seems to be more pronounced the faster you travel, and, using the unaltered wingsuit, the effect is incredibly small.
Want a wingsuit mod with better steering?
This is the mod for you!
Four different presets of wingsuit, ranging from slightly faster and better steering to stupidly fast, better steering and zero drag!
Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guli-MRpbcY
Sorry for the low quality, internet was taking a shit today
NOTE: Rico does have a seziure upon first take off. This should only happen once. Leave a comment below if this keeps happening, or you experience the "backflip-ening"
Drag theĀ contents of the desired versions folder (Labelled editor) into your dropzone folder
- Doubled max speed and accel
- Y axis sentitivity increased
- Y axis drag set to zero
- Normal slingshot increased power 50%
- Max angular speed and accel. doubled
- Doubled max speed and accel.
- X and Z axis drag halved
- Doubled max speed and accel.
- X and Z axis drag set to zero
- Normal slingshot increased power 50%
- Max angluar speed and accel. doubled
- Doubled max speed and accel.
- Attempt increased Y sentitivity
- Y axis sentitivity increased
- Y axis sensitivity increased