Updated Folders & Install Help

An updated version of the previous "mod" I made, this contains nearly every possible configuration of dropzone folders you could need for modifying Just Cause 3!
Everything you need to start modding your Just Cause 3 on PC! Includes a guide on how to install mods!
Open the file using 7zip, which can be downloaded here: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
Highlight all files inside and drag them into a new folder.
Read the 'How To' or the installation for further instructions, or watch the following video.
HOW TO - These folders
Open Steam.
Go to:
- Library
- Right click Just Cause 3
- Properties
- Local files
- Browse Local Files
This will open your Just Cause 3 installation folder.
Copy all the dropzone folders into your Just Cause 3 installation folder.
HOW TO - Mods
Unless the mod you downloaded effects the DLC, it will be copied into your 'dropzone' folder
Open the file using 7zip (Download below)
1 - Mod effects base game:
- Navaigate into mod until you find a folder with a lower case name.
- If the mod contains a folder called "dropzone", either copy it to your Just Cause 3 directory OR open it and copy the CONTENTS into your dropzone folder.
Finished! Run the game.
2 - Mod effects DLC:
- Navigate the mod until you find a folder called '__UNKNOWN'
- Copy/Drag this folder into the correct DLC folder
A) Mod effects Mech Land Assault DLC:
- 'dropzone_mech_dlc'
B) Mod effects Sky Fortress DLC:
- 'dropzone_sky_fortress'
C) Mod effects Sea Heist DLC:
- 'dropzone_sea_heist'
Once you have copied in the mod, YOU MUST RUN THE 'DLCPACKER.EXE'
If you forget to run it, the mods for your DLC will not install.
If you run any DLCPacker.exe in any of the DLC folders, it will install all mods inside all DLC dropzone folders.
Only exception to the DLC '__UNKNOWN' folder is if the folder is lowercase.
If none of these are in the folder, navigate further in, or try redownload
any way without steam?
My computer won’t let me download this for some reason, any tips? It just says failed, download error.
when i download this and the old version it either says found a virus or when i press open it gets removed
U the best creator
Thank you for this. You must have put a lot of effort into it!