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Updated hash dictionary for JC tools

This mod increase the amout of decrypted hashes in the RTPCDeHashing and namelist files in modified gibbed's tools uploaded by Neam. I used JC4 decrypted hashes to update the dictionary, now it's a lot more easy to edit epe files, if you don't know what is a hash in epe files, it is the 8 letters and numbers string in hexadecimal encoding, to explain it simple when you will unpack a epe file, you see something like :

<value name="32445E10" type="int">0</value> where "32445E10" is a hash that defines a function in the game, they can be converted as understandable sentences, that's what my mod do, it transforms this hash as a string (here "32445E10" is "adjust_aim_direction_after_trajectory")

note : I haven't added all decrypted hashes, only a part of them, most of decrypted hashes were already done by UnknownMiscreant, this mod can be updated frequently.

warning: this mod is not a bruteforce tool, only an updated dictionary of the original mod by UnknownMiscreant and Neam's:

Neam's tools : in VGM :

JC enhanced tools : downloadable from the LukeJC's discord server (not available anymore on VGM) :

for people who want to decrypt more hashes, the hash type is a 32 bit Jenkins Lookup3, bruteforce tools available on VGM are slow but you can still use them, if you found something, tell me please :)


  • LukeJC (idea, hashes)
  • UnknownMiscreant (tools/exes)
  • Lexal (lots of hashes finds)
  • SK83RJOSH (86 hashes finding)

for JC enhanced tools by UnknownMiscreant :

  1. extract the archive of the mod
  2. copy 'rickslist.csv' file
  3. go to your jc3tools_enhanced folder, then go to project → RTPCDeHashing
  4. paste it there (should replace the original)
  5. done, unpack a epe as usual, you will see the difference

for modified gibbed's tools uploaded by Neam :

  1. extract the archive of the mod
  2. copy '77_updated_hash_list.namelist' file
  3. go to your jc3tools_enhanced folder, then go to project → Just Cause 3
  4. paste it there
  5. done, unpack a epe as usual, you will see the difference

1.0 --- initial release (05/05/24), 251 more decrypted hashes (vehicles and weapons only).

1.1 --- 06/05/24, 424 more decrypted hashes (peds, vehicles, weapons).

1.2 --- 07/05/24, 482 more decrypted hashes (peds, vehicles, weapons, grapple, dlc weapons).

1.21 --- 09/05/24, 483 more decrypted hashes (peds, vehicles, weapons, grapple, dlc weapons). Thanks to Lexal for finding a hash

1.22 --- 09/05/24, 484 more decrypted hashes (peds, vehicles, weapons, grapple, dlc weapons). 1 hash found by lexal

1.3 --- 11/05/24, 570 more decrypted hashes (peds, vehicles, weapons, grapple, dlc weapons). Thanks to SK83RJOSH for finding 86 hashes

1.4 --- 12/05/24, 631 more decrypted hashes (peds, vehicles, weapons, grapple, dlc weapons). Thanks again to Lexal.

2.0 --- 12/05/24 :

2.5 --- 12/05/24, 893 more decrypted hashes (Rico, peds, vehicles, weapons, grapple, dlc weapons).

3.0 --- 21/07/24, biggest hash found ever, over 100 000 hashes were added

3.1 --- 24/07/24, ~250 hashes were added, some bug fixes

  • 7Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
3.23 MB
Credit given to modders
UnknownMiscreant, LukeJC, Lexal, SK83RJOSH
July 24, 2024


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  • 7Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
3.23 MB
Credit given to modders
UnknownMiscreant, LukeJC, Lexal, SK83RJOSH
July 24, 2024

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