Urga Cisterna Heavy tank add-on

This mod adds a cs odjur reskin that I named the Urga Cisterna (Cisterna means tank in italian). The settings folder is pretty much the same as the one that comes with the bugatti-la-voiture-noire-2019-add-on but with more. To spawn the tank, just type "spawn heavytank" with the entity spawner. Entity spawner: https://videogamemods.com/justcause3/mods/jc3-entity-spawner/
Just drag the editor and settings into the dropzone. The spawn_vehicle_defs file should be able to replace the one from previous custom vehicle mods. If this is your first mod, then: To install mods at all, you need to open up steam, then find Just Cause 3 in your list of games. Right-click it and click settings. Now click "Set launch options" and a new window will open up. Copy this:
--vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive patch_win64 --vfs-archive archives_win64 --vfs-fs .
and paste it in there, then click "Done" to save it.
Now go to this filepath: Steam-folder> steamapps> common> Just Cause 3
Now create a new folder called Dropzone and you are done with setting things up.
Now copy the editor and settings folder from the download into your dropzone folder >>> to remove all mods, simply remove the launch options
1.0 - Public release
This is, in my opinion, one of the best posts that you have made. Your work is quite outstanding in both quality and quantity polytrack. I am grateful to you for it.
Custom vehicle !! Nice! Will you consider add more military vehicle like cannon truck, aa tank ??