JC4 Reshade Re-tweak
Features: - Removed Yellow Tint - Darker Green Grass - Added Vignette - Added Bloom - Tweaked Brightness and Saturation - Tweaked Curves - Tweaked Sky Colors and Foliage - Overall Color Correction
Installation: Extract the JC4RSRT.zip file Drag the JC4.ini file into your root game folder
Credits go to ReShade by crosire, this mod uses version 5.9.2 Latest build available at: https://reshade.me/
If you'd like to contact me my discord is: rtangle or rTangle#6891
If you'd like to see my normal content on YouTube you can find me as rTangle as well
For cinematic related content, join our cinematography and GTA 5 modding discord at: https://discord.gg/jK4SRmBqYt
Extract the JC4RSRT.zip file Drag the JC4.ini file into your root game folder