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Underwaterbuggy V2

This mod adds another Vagabundo Buggy that is fully able to drive under water!


  • Spawn it in with aaron's entity spawner (command: spawn wpbuggyn) or find it in traffic around Solís
  • To no die under water, use arron's entity spawner and use the command "event ply.invalnurable"
  • You can download aaron's entity spawner here


For those who remember, this was the first mod i made for Just Cause 3, and therefor i wanted to remake it for this game as well. It works very similar to the jc3 one which renders it less useful on land due to me having to increase gravity by seven times. In JC3 i did this since i was very unexperienced at the time, for this game i was going to use a few other values to achieve no liftoff under water, but for some reason most values are extremely broken and do nothing when changed ( you have no idea what redicolous values i tested)


This is Version 2 of this mod, updated with the latest gamefiles and compatible with Protato's latest vehicle edits mod (merge these in and miss out no features!)

These skins are in no way perfect, as we can not look at the actual skins yet and i had to make them from scratch and guess what part of the texture is responsible for what part of the vehicle, but they turned out quite decent


If you plan on making a video review on this mod, please be sure to give proper credit, that is linking this page, or atleast the mod website so that viewers do actually know where to download this mod from and so we get feedback on our work

=> Want to play Just Cause 3? Online? With mods from me and others? Then feel free to check out my Freeroam Unlimited JC3MP server and it's Discord and follow me on Twitter ( @Luke_jc3mp ), where you will get updates regarding Just Cause, get early infos about my mods and server updates!

To install mods, you got two options that you can choose from. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, so here you go:


Simpler alternative to mine, however does not support quickstart


This method has a slightly complicated setup, though if you follow the tutorial on it's page, you will have no problems setting it up. During setup, you can also choose if you want the game to perform a quickstart, which DLC to exclude plus you can even set up multiple mod folders, while still being able to start the game without any problems with no mods activated


After choosing the method of preference, download this mod as well, and install all the vehicles (you can also choose between unlimited ammo or normal). Without this installed, the game will crash on spawning any of these

Now unpack my files and merge+replace the existing ones in your dropzone folder!

Now, download this mod as well, and install all the vehicles (you can also choose between unlimited ammo or normal). Without this installed, the game will crash on spawning this vehicle


Attention! Additional instructions:

My Just Cause 4 mods will all be compatible with each other, for this to work though, there are two files needed:

  • dropzonesettingsspawn_vehicle_defs.bin

These files ensure compatibility across all my mods, always use the newest version available in my most recent mod!

The ones found in this mod are identical to:

  • Amphibious vehicles V2
  • Paintjobs plus V2
  • Alpha weaponized vehicles V2

All of my mods will also make the special, normally never seen race vehicles appear in traffic, so look out for those!



  • Updated base files with Protato's latest vehicle edits
Luke JC
  • 70Mods
  • 8Followers

File size
2.19 MB
Credit given to modders
March 9, 2020


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Luke JC
  • 70Mods
  • 8Followers

File size
2.19 MB
Credit given to modders
March 9, 2020

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