dbz kakarot save file (v1.81 supported)
main story completed
all dlc's completed
Goku level= 290
Vegeta level= 280
Piccolo level= 250
the rest are all 100-170
5 sub stories are not completed
Note= This save will only work for v1.81
Go to the "Steam-Save" Folder and then you open the "remote" Folder. There's the "ManualSaveX". You'll have to rename the File. Rename the File into a Save Slot, that you want to use.
ManualSave0 = Save Slot 1 ManualSave1 = Save Slot 2 ManualSave2 = Save Slot 3 ManualSave3 = Save Slot 4 ManualSave4 = Save Slot 5 ManualSave5 = Save Slot 6 ManualSave6 = Save Slot 7 ManualSave7 = Save Slot 8 ManualSave8 = Save Slot 9 ManualSave9 = Save Slot 10
If you renamed the file than select all contents from the "Steam-Save" Folder and copy it into your Steam-Folder. If you're playing Steam normally, then use the Steam-Online-Path.
Steam-Online Path: C:/Programs (x86)/Steam/userdata/YourSteamID/851850/
Steam-Offline Path: C:/Users/PC-User/AppData/Local/AT/Saved/SaveGames/
Non-Steam User Installation:
Go to the "Normal-Save" Folder. There's the "ManualSaveX.sav". You'll have to rename the File. Rename the File into a Save Slot, that you want to use.
ManualSave0.sav = Save Slot 1 ManualSave1.sav = Save Slot 2 ManualSave2.sav = Save Slot 3 ManualSave3.sav = Save Slot 4 ManualSave4.sav = Save Slot 5 ManualSave5.sav = Save Slot 6 ManualSave6.sav = Save Slot 7 ManualSave7.sav = Save Slot 8 ManualSave8.sav = Save Slot 9 ManualSave9.sav = Save Slot 10
If you renamed the file than select all contents from the "Normal-Save" Folder and copy it into your DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT Folder. Example: C:/DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT/AT/Saved/
Codex= remote
v1.0-2.0 Changelog:
- Everything from the old Save of ☼ÐiöGØØØ☼'s Save File.
v3.0 Changelog:
- All (Normal) Fighters are on LvL. 250
- Max. Zeni
- Max. D-Medals
- Most Items have 499x Stocks, but some Items have over 500 Stocks
- Max. Z-Orbs
- Z-Encyclopedia 100% (Readed, without Marks)
- Max. Freindship Level of soul badges (Not all are Gold, but everyone has Max. Level)
v4.0 Changelog:
- All side quests are completed!
v4.1 Changelog:
- (I think that) All Fights have the S-Rang!
v4.2 Changelog:
- Installation-Description has been edited, hope you can do this now and i'm sorry about the one mistake.
v5.0 Changelog:
- DLC Support: A New Power Awakens (Main Quests and Side Quests are finished).
v5.1 Changelog:
- Minor Change: Removed the God Attacks, for Goku and Vegeta, because there are weaker than the other attacks. You can still add these attacks if you want.
- Item Stocks are on 999x Stocks
- Savegame still works on update 1.20.
where do you install the mod
hey bro
i downloaded my game from steamunlocked and the folders for the non steam installation are not there. how do i fix this?
update please
bro can someone please make one with no dlc, literally all of these are dlc included.
do we need a mod manager? I saved it as ManualSave8 and dropped it in the remote folder but its not working.
probably bc you are in the wrong version
i did what the installation instructions said but when i get into the game its empty
Every time I try to load this save it tells me that it cannot be loaded because it contains data for downloadable content even though I have All the DLC packs downloaded. (V1.81, Steam Online)
hi, i have done all the thing that you said but when i log in it say “corrupted data” what can i do?
Hey can you explain better, how to install the mod ?, since i dont understand, Please 🙂
yes, you need to Go to your Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/(your user number)/851850/remote and drag and drop there the save data
do we need a mod manager? I saved it as ManualSave8 and dropped it in the remote folder but its not working.
ive tried doing that but nothing happens
where is the steam save folder
Hi bro, I am looking for someone to teach me how to mod the kakarot to be a le to extract the goku ssj god model and put it in Blender
Or could you extract the goku ssj god model in .OBJ, please 😢
download the goku ssj god model and paste it in paks folder