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Goku Black Skin for Goku

Put the pak in your paks folder. 

  • 2uploads
First Release
File size
9.23 MB
Credit given to modders
BlackRex, LeanMB56
January 25, 2020


Leave a Reply

  1. loord says:

    the ssj3 il bugged 🙁 we only see his hair and that of the ssj3 ( the real )

  2. interse says:

    Can you make a version where his hair is always pink no matter which super saiyan form? Also ssj3 bugged for me, thanks.

    1. metincolaq says:

      For me SSJ3 And SS Rose. does rose work for you?

  3. SSJKurisu says:

    update needed. still works great but upon using super saiyan 3 the hair is bugged. and doesn’t function properly. would be great if you could update to latest version of the game. and fix this bug.
    other than that +REP great mod 🙂

  4. Fask says:

    and God Form also , full body disappear 😀 this looks so good, just no ss3 / god viable

  5. VixVapoRub says:

    at least give people permission to use the assets, I understand not wanting too fix anything, but people are in desperate need of this to work and two years later, people have no idea how you did what you did. If you don’t want to fix it, I get it. At least give people the permission to do it for you… the community needs this, and so many have waited for you. please, make it usable for everyone so we can have this work today

  • 2uploads
First Release
File size
9.23 MB
Credit given to modders
BlackRex, LeanMB56
January 25, 2020

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