Black Default Coat Mod

A simple black coat with undershirt. I think it makes Clay look a bit more menacing.
My first texture mod creation or alteration of any kind here so let me know how it works!
I piggybacked off of alexnoncreeper's "Punisher Default outfit" mod found here: LINK.
A lot of people are complaining about his mod not working for them.. I believe it is a patch issue so I decided to help revive the mod for up to date users while still crediting him and making slight adjustments
Drag and drop the 989566966-he_jacket_000.sds file into Mafia III sds_retail combinables auto_unique
Drag and drop the he_jacket_000_cs_he_jacket_000_cs.sds into Mafia III sds_retail combinables auto
0.2a - fixed oddity that coat appeared blue, now it is straight black with grey undershirt