MAFIA 2 (Mission Timer Limits Removed Main Story including DLC’s all 3)

Initial Release.
Replace C:\<mafia2>\PC\SDS\Tables\tables.sds with the one in this archive. Will overwrite any replaced tables.sds that is there.
Works in Main Story, Joes Adventure, Betrayal of Jimmy, Jimmy's Vandetta.
Doesn't actually remove the time limit. But gives more then 2 hours to do a mission. Which, unless you drag your knuckles with your club. I'm pretty sure 2 hours+ is enough time.
For anyone who is wondering. When you edit the tables.sds, look for DifficultyParams.xml
Then change:
id="1" value="x"
id="1" value="0.000000000001"
(Yes all of them, about 6 in total)
Since I was able to unpack the LUAQ scripts and have a poke around (No you can't repacked them back, at least not as I know of). I found the math equation to do the timers. So, upset that I couldn't repack the LUA back into the game. (Due to misaligned function headers when re-compiled lua) I went for a poke around for a few hours poking around the game. And, well it was simple. After seeing the math from the decompiled LUAQ's. I noticed its not higher values, but lower values that needed to be placed in the value field. I'm guess this is just incase anyone went poking around. Or using a programme like Cheat Engine to edit the running memory.
So there you go. Follow the installation instructions or manually do it yourself.
** Updated...
First Mission of Joe's Adventure, where you race to the train station. The timer is still active. This is because it is a tutorial level and the timer is hard coded in the LUAQ script. All other mission timers are super duper extended.
replace C:<mafia2>PCSDSTablestables.sds with the one in this archive
That's all there is to it.
Yep, that's right. Simply copy over and replace the one already there.
I'm not lying.
Warning: This will overwrite the pre-existing tables.sds file. So if you have a modded one. It will overwrite that.
First Edited mission timer .sds that I am aware of :) Initial Release.
3/10/2018 Add More Screen Shots and updated Mod Info
17/5/2020 Retested, still works, also works on steam (do no verify files, it will replace it)
It crashes after reaching objective.